Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Eyes, Nose, Mouth, Ears & Hair
You can point out all of these things, your eyes, nose, mouth, ears and your hair. You can say all of them too. It's like playing a little game for you. You also like to point out all of these things on me too (you almost poke my eyes out sometimes though!). You are learning so much these days and I just love watching you absorb it all in.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
WOW! You have really started talking a lot in the past couple weeks! Some of the words you can say now are:
Jakey (I love the way you say his name!)
and one that I get frustrated with, but think it is so cute at the same time is...
Why? (I don't know where you picked this up from, but we will tell you something, like "don't do that" and you come back with "why?" It's hard not to laugh when giving you an answer!
You understand almost everything we are saying, simple one step commands and even two or three step commands. If we are talking about something you try and join in with your half understandable, half gibberish talk. Everyday you are learning and saying new words and I can't wait to hear more from you (although I know there will be a day when I will want to hear less!).
Jakey (I love the way you say his name!)
and one that I get frustrated with, but think it is so cute at the same time is...
Why? (I don't know where you picked this up from, but we will tell you something, like "don't do that" and you come back with "why?" It's hard not to laugh when giving you an answer!
You understand almost everything we are saying, simple one step commands and even two or three step commands. If we are talking about something you try and join in with your half understandable, half gibberish talk. Everyday you are learning and saying new words and I can't wait to hear more from you (although I know there will be a day when I will want to hear less!).
Thursday, May 28, 2009
18 month Check-Up
I took you and Sam to the doctors today for your check-ups. You were not pleased about being at the doctor's. In general you were okay, except for the fact that you are at the stage that you want to not be held and touch everything, but when the nurses want to do anything you gave them a hard time. First of all, you have always hated to be weighed and since you are still under 2, they want to use the baby weigher. You are big enough now to just slide out of the thing and you hate sitting in it for even a second. We ended up having to weigh you and me, then let the nurse hold you (while you screamed) so she could just weigh me and then subtract the two weights. That was a ten minute process. And from for the rest of the time with the nurses you were like glue to me. But when the doctor come in you were just fine with him, so that was nice. Of course at the end came the shots and that really pissed you off. All in all, I am glad that the visit is over and we don't have do it again for another six months!
Weight: 30lbs (90%)
Height: 34 1/4 inches (91%)
Weight: 30lbs (90%)
Height: 34 1/4 inches (91%)
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Dress - Up
Lately you like to play with my shoes and sandals and try to wear them and walk around in them. The ones with the heels are the funniest to watch you with and you only make it a couple steps in them. You also love playing and wearing my long necklaces that I wear sometimes. Tonight you just had to have my necklace and tired out my sandals and I was able to snap a few pictures! (couple more pics here)
(and yes.. that is how dirty you get your shirt when you are at daycare!)
(and yes.. that is how dirty you get your shirt when you are at daycare!)

Saturday, February 28, 2009
Rockin' Away
There is a little rocking chair in Sam and Jake's room and from the time you could walk you would go over to it and try to climb in it. I would sit you in it and you loved just sitting in there and rocking. Now you can get into climb up into yourself and you just love rocking in it! Within the past couple weeks you can now climb up onto the big rocking chair in your room. I use to use this chair when feeding you your bottles at night. Now you climb right up there and just rock away, you love it! You rock so hard that you move the chair forward just a little bit each time! You must get this from your Daddy, he has always been a big fan of rocking chairs! I took this little video of you today...
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Ever since you were only a couple months old you have had to have your blankie. Your blankie.... a white burp cloth/cloth diaper. We used them when you when had to burp you and we always carried them around in case you spit up. But you have clung onto them and now you always have to have one. You drag it around all over the place. We have several of them and so every night before bed you get a nice clean one. But if you happen to find an extra one laying around you get all excited and grab that one too. The more you have the better!

more pics here

more pics here
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Mr. Clean #2
As so it has begun with you too (see Mr. Clean #1 here)... my cleaning has rubbed off on you and just like your brother you fight me for the swiffer whenever I bring it out. You have not quite figured out that it needs to stay on the floor, but I am sure you will have it done pat in no time!

more pics here!
more pics here!
Monday, January 12, 2009
New Shoes!!!
You refuse to keep socks on! And so, I usually always have shoes on you (you have not figured out how to take the shoes off yet). So far, I just have gotten you some basic crib shoes. But the other day I ordered you your first pair of Nikes and got them in the mail today! They are too cute! And you seem to like them too, at least you were checking them out and smiling! Oh, I love little shoes... and now off to check the latest Robeez....

Thursday, December 25, 2008
what is going on???
Of course being only 13 months this Christmas, you really had no idea what was going on. Sam barged into your room and woke you up, jumping up and down. Jacob was soon to follow in your room and before you could blink your eyes, I was changing your diaper and carrying you downstairs for the fun to begin! At first you were kinda excited... it looked like fun to rip paper and WOW there was a toy under that paper! The first thing your opened was your Handy Mandy toolbox and you loved it right away! You were very persist for Daddy to get the toy out of the box so you could play with it. And that was it. You had no interest in opening any other presents at all. You wanted to play with your new toy. You also were very interested in Lily's new dollhouse. It was about as big as you and it had lots of pieces! Jacob tried to help you open some more presents, but you really were not too interested. I opened your Clipo's sets and got them out of the box for you, but you were only interested in those for about 10 seconds. You had a lot of fun walking around in all the paper and checking out what everyone was doing. I bet next year though you will open all your presents in the time it took you to open one this year!
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