Tuesday, December 25, 2007
First Christmas
This of course was your first Christmas. You are only six weeks old, so you had no idea what today was all about or what was going on. You got to get held a lot by everyone and I am sure that you enjoyed that! You got a lot of fun toys that I can't wait for you to be able to play with. You did get one thing that you started to use already, a new chair to lay/sit in and toys that dangle on it for you to bat at. Merry First Christmas!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Today you had your one month check up at the doctor's. He said that you were a very healthy and big boy! You have gained over 2 pounds and now you weigh 12 pounds! And you grew 1.5 inches, so now you are 23.5 inches. Your Dad and I are a little concerned about your neck and you possibly having the same problem Sam did, but the doctor said we would keep an eye on it and re-check it in a month. So, you are doing great and growing very well!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
One Month
Your first month has gone by so quickly. It does seem like it has been awhile since we left the hospital but at the same time, I don't feel like it has already been a month that you have been home. The first couple weeks you really slept a lot, which made adjusting to two kids pretty easy. In the last week you have been starting to be more awake during the day and more alert. You have started to like laying on the floor and just checking things out and listening to your brothers run around the house. You really like to kick your legs too! You are sleeping great at night, only getting up a couple of times to eat and then you go right back to sleep. You are starting to coo a little bit and it's so cute. I can't wait to see how much you change in the next month now!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
First Bath
Tonight Sam and I gave you your first bath. You were not sure what to think at first and you were really quiet. But after a few minutes you started to get fussy and then you really let us know that you didn't like it! Sam and I got you cleaned up as quick as we could. And then I got you wrapped up in your towel, but you were cold and very upset! I know one day you will really like your baths, I guess they just are not that much fun for you right now!
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Your Baptism
This morning you were brought into the God's family and baptized. Aunt Jeanette is your God Mother and Uncle Rob is your God Father. You did great too! You didn't even cry when Father Joe dunked you in the water (you were a little mad though after you got out since you were cold!). It was a very nice service and you had a lot of family there to celebrate with you. Here are all the pictures.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
First Week
Your first week went by so fast! Daddy and Sam picked us up from the hospital on Friday morning. Grammy came over for the day to help me out with you and Sam since Daddy had to go to work. You even took your first trip to Target! Saturday you had lots of visitors who were excited to meet you! Sunday we went to church and ran a couple errands with Aunt Jeanette. Your first week went by fast, but I know this is only the beginning.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Birth Day
Your dad and I arrived at the hospital at 7:00 this morning. I was scheduled for a c-section at 8:45. I got checked in and the nurses monitored your heartbeat for a little while. There was another soon-to-be-mom who needed her c-section before me, so we had to wait until 10:00. I was getting really nervous about the surgery, so it was nice to have some time to relax. Soon, the nurses came and wheeled me into the surgery room, Daddy had to wear a silly outfit over his clothes, so he put that on while they prepped me. Before I knew it, Daddy came into the room and only minutes later they were taking you out of me. You let a very load (but beautiful) first cry! And you kept crying, there was no doubt you had a healthy set of lungs! The nurses weighed, measured and examined you. And brought you over for Daddy to hold you and I got to see you and touch you. You were just as perfect as could be. Daddy and I got to just stare at you and admire our new son for awhile. Soon Daddy went with the nurses and took you to the nursery so you could get a bath. I went to a recovery area, where I rested and the nurses made sure I was doing okay. Soon, I went to my room and you were brought in and I got to hold you for the first time. Your brother Sam was there to see you too and Jacob also got to meet you.
Here are pictures from the hospital. BubbleShare or Kodak Gallery
Here are pictures from the hospital. BubbleShare or Kodak Gallery
Friday, November 9, 2007
Trying to Turn
This morning your Dad and I went to the hospital so that the doctor could try and turn you to the correct position so I can deliver you naturally. There was a lot of prep work to do it seemed like. But soon the doctor and his assistant came in and tried to turn you. They got you about half way turned, but you flipped right back to the way you wanted to be. The doctor decided that it looked like you were comfortable the way you were and did not want to risk trying to turn you again. So unless I go into labor before Tuesday, I have a c-section scheduled and we will meet you then! Counting down the hours before I get to hold my little baby!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Due Date
Today you had officially reached full term of 40 weeks of growing in my tummy. I went to the doctor's today and found that you are breech. You are just going to be a little stinker from the beginning aren't you?! Your butt is where your head should be and so I cannot deliver you that way. On Friday, I will be going to the hospital to see if the doctor can turn you around to the correct position. But if you just refuse to move then I will probably have a c-section next Tuesday. So it won't be long before I get to hear your first cry and get to hold you. I can't wait, I am very excited to meet you! See you soon!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
21 days and counting
It won't be long now before we get to meet you! I am officially in the "safe" zone for delivering you! You should be all developed and ready to come into this world and meet all of us. So I am just counting down the days now, hopefully only three weeks or less until you arrive! Here is a picture of me as of now.
37 weeks
37 weeks
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Your Room
I didn't have to do much to get your room ready. Your brother Sam was still in the crib, so really I just had to move him into his new room. I change the theme around to a jungle animal theme and painted the trim a darker color. Daddy brought all the baby stuff up from downstairs... wow, you really need a lot of stuff for being such a little person! So, your room is complete and now we are almost ready for you to make your appearance! I say almost because, well it's too early for you to come yet, and because I still have to get clothes washed and ready for you yet. The swing and car seat and other stuff need to be cleaned up from being the basement for two years. And there are some minor touch ups I need to do. I almost forget, I need to put the stroller together. Oh, it's never ending....
Hope you like your room!

Hope you like your room!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
View From the Outside
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Another Peek
I had another ultra sound today. The doctor wanted to re-check some things she didn't like from the last ultra sound I had. Your daddy went with my this time so that he could take a little peek at you too. The ultra sound tech reassured us that everything is looking perfect and right within the normal ranges. So that was great news! It was so nice to see you again. You really have become more active lately and we could see you moving all over on the video screen. Still no peeking on whether you are a boy or girl (and I really don't have a feeling one way or the other). I was really happy that I got to take another sneak peek at you!
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Halfway There!
Wow, you have reached the halfway point of growing in my tummy! I can't believe how fast that went by, now I just hope that the next 4.5 months goes by just as fast, because I cannot wait to meet you! I can feel you move around all the time now. You move a lot, just like your brother did (maybe it's all the candy that I like to eat!). Here is a picture of what it looks like outside of my tummy right now.
20 weeks
20 weeks
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
A little hello
I got to see you again today! You certainly have grown since the last time I saw you about six weeks ago. Your Aunt Becky and Aunt Jeanette also came to the doctor's with me so that they could see you too. They thought it was pretty neat that they could so much of you, like your heart beating and you moving around. And even though everyone else wants to know if you are a boy or girl, we still didn't find out. Just another 5 months or so until we meet you and find out!
Monday, May 14, 2007
Just a little update. I went to the doctor's today for another check-up. The doctor said that everything was looking perfect and on schedule. I got to hear your heartbeat again which was nice and strong again. I love being able to hear your heartbeat, especially until I can feel you moving around. It is just a very reassuring sound. I get to see you again on in about a month and I can't wait!!!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
A little peek...
Today I went to the hospital for an ultra sound and got to peek inside my tummy and see you! I couldn't believe how much you have developed already! You were waving your little arms and hands and moving your little legs. The technician wanted you to move a certain way and you just refused! You were happy and cozy in your little spot and you were just not going to move! It was amazing to see you and see that you looked so perfect already. I should be able to get another peek at you in two months. By then I should be able to feel you moving around in my tummy and I can't wait for those first flutters!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Whoosh, Whoosh
Today I got to hear your heartbeat for the first time. The doctor said she wasn't sure if she would be able to pick it up, but she found it right away and it was so strong. It was just the sweetest sound, just knowing that this little life inside me already has a big strong heart just beating away. So thank you for sending your little "hi" to me today.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Someone Take This Food Away!
You sure are making me eat a lot! It seems like I am hungry all the time! And normally I am not one that eats a lot at one time or every hour on the hour! But the last few days I just can't seem to get enough food in me! I know that you are growing and need nourishment, but really you can't get bigger than your brother Sam did (please!). This weekend I am going to cut up lots of fruits and veggies, then at least if I am snacking (well if you count full servings as snacking) then I am eating healthy things. And maybe - just maybe - that desk drawer I have at work will stop depleting itself each day!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Today I went to the doctor's to let them know that you had started to grow inside me. The doctor asked a ton of questions about daddy and me and about when I pregnant with your brother Sam. The doctor said that everything looked good and to come back in four weeks. When I hope that I will be able to hear your little heart beating.
Friday, March 9, 2007
A little surprised!
Well I finally decided that today I should test and see if I was really pregnant. I was almost ten days late for my "time of the month" and I knew that I probably was. That little plus sign showed up almost my pee hit the stick! I think that only a mom can understand, but from that moment I started to loved you. I knew that you were already making a home inside me and beginning your journey. I can't wait to hear your first cry, to hold you and see you smile. I can't wait until the day I get to meet you...
And you might share your birthday with your daddy or grandpa!
And you might share your birthday with your daddy or grandpa!
The Baby's Own Page
Really, this baby is the reason I started the kid's own blogs. I figured I cannot even keep up with Jacob and Sam's scrapbook, so how in the world am I going to start and keep up with another one?!?! I will do a scrapbook for his or her's first year of life and I will also keep this blog updated.
This blog will be the most complete, since I am starting it before he or she is even born.
And yes, I will be changing the name from "The Baby" to a more appropriate name after he or she is born.
So whoever wants to see anything and everything about the new baby just come on over here! (I am still keeping the family blog, which I will post things about the entire family.)
Note: This will be written as if I am talking to the baby, since this is really their memento and I want them to be able to go back and read this like I was telling them a story about themselves.
This blog will be the most complete, since I am starting it before he or she is even born.
And yes, I will be changing the name from "The Baby" to a more appropriate name after he or she is born.
So whoever wants to see anything and everything about the new baby just come on over here! (I am still keeping the family blog, which I will post things about the entire family.)
Note: This will be written as if I am talking to the baby, since this is really their memento and I want them to be able to go back and read this like I was telling them a story about themselves.
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