You are crawling on all fours now! And you are pulling up on everything and cruising all over the furniture (and anything else)! When you see something that you want you can get to it in seconds, you are really fast! I know it won't be long before you are taking those first steps and chasing after Sam! You have even started playing with Sam a little bit. You love when Sam takes all the cushions off the couch in the living room and makes a fort out of them. You love to crawl under them and over them. You also love playing with Sam's toys in his room (when he lets you!). There is a container under Sam's bed with rollers on it and you already know how to pull it out and play with everything in there! You got your second tooth in, so you now your two front teeth on the bottom. Feeding you is getting easier. You are able to pick up little foods and gum them up. So for dinner you usually eat what we have just cut up really small. You are still a very happy baby and you are very content most of the time. You can say Mama and Dada pretty clearly now and you can even Papa! Some nine month

weight: 22lb 14oz
height: 29.5 inches
(both in the 90% still)